This section shows the details of new AEDs made possible through the Forty 4 Frankie fundraising campaign.
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1. The Old House at Home, Milton.
The Old House at Home pub at Locksway Road in Milton is the home of the first Forty 4 Frankie defibrillator (AED).
The AED was installed on the 24th April 2024 at the front of the pub where it is easily accessible to customers and the general public.
Publicans Chris and Paul, pictured here with Lynn Timms of Forty 4 Frankie, were keen to have a life saving AED installed as it could potentially save the life of a customer or a member of the public in the Milton area in the occurrence of a cardiac arrest.
Customers and staff raised £400 to part fund the equipment and also arranged the installation themselves. Chris and Paul are also planning to carry out some awareness training to be carried out by one of their first aid qualified customers.
The Old House at Home, 104 Locksway Road, Milton, Portsmouth, PO4 8JR
2. Rowlands Plant Services Ltd
Well done to Rowlands Plant Hire and services who have installed and registered our second Forty-4-Frankie 24-hour accessible defibrillator.
Thank you to the Head Rapson Family who now have a service ready 24-hour emergency unit outside their business in Alchorne Place, PO3 5QS.
This will be invaluable not only for the community but also other local businesses on their trading estate.
Rowlands Plant Hire and Services, Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QS
3. The Good Companion, 2 Eastern Road, Portsmouth, PO3 6ES
Customers and staff at the Good Companion Pub on the Eastern Road raised £500 towards the cost of an AED which is now installed at the front of the pub.
Scott Donnelly, General Manager at The Good Companion, was keen to get an AED installed for the benefit of pub customers and the wider community, this being reinforced when a passerby recently had a medical emergency close to the pub requiring medical intervention.
Thank you Scott and team for your fundraising efforts and working with the Forty 4 Frankie campaign to make this happen.
The Good Companion, 2 Eastern Road, Portsmouth, PO3 6ES
4. Aqua Cars, The Partnership Business Park, 12-13 Rodney Road, Portsmouth, PO4 8DF
Aqua Cars raised funds towards the installation of an AED outside their premises at the Rodney Road Business Park. It is fully accessible 24hrs/day for businesses within the park and the general public alike.
Pictured is Bruce Hall General Manager of Aqua Cars and Lynn Timms of the Forty 4 Frankie campaign with the newly installed AED. Special thanks go to Ian McNiven who co-ordinated the installation and also liaison with the F4F campaign.
Aqua Cars, The Partnership Business Park, 12-13 Rodney Road, Portsmouth, PO4 8DF
5. Landport Community Centre, Charles Street, Portsmouth, PO1 1JD
Having noted that the 24-hour publicly accessible defibrillator outside the Landport Community Centre was not registered on The Circuit we brought this to the attention of Alan Jenkins (pictured below) the Community Centre Manager.
On examination it was evident that some of consumables in the cabinet had passed their expiry date. So, Alan arranged for the purchase of new pads and we visited again to help set up the registration process. This unit is now publicly available 24-hours a day and emergency service are fully aware of its existence.
At F4F we get such a buzz from these Public Health conversations
Landport Community Centre, Charles Street, Portsmouth, PO1 1JD
6&7. SD Dance Studio, Sultan Road, Portsmouth, PO2 7AP
With the money kindly donated from the Charles Dickens Masonic Lodge we installed our 5th 24-hour publicly accessible defibrillator outside SD Studios in the Charles Dicken Ward last month. Within 3 weeks it had been vandalised with the defibrillator being so badly damaged it was deemed unsafe to use. Hopefully, the cabinet can be reused.
This event has been so upsetting for all, the Masonic Lodge members who donated the money, Sarah, and Jamie of SD Studios, us at F4F and the local community for whom this equipment is for… such a mindless act!
The positive news is that we have just provided a replacement defibrillator unit to this location (so technically F4Fs 7th!) and in discussion with all involved have decided that an in-house unit is more appropriate.
This unit is now registered as being available during SD Studios opening hours.
Whilst this is not within the original ethos of the F4F campaign to install more 24-hour publicly accessible defibrillators, we feel this is the best course of action for the community, as it provides them with some availability on this emergency equipment.
SD Dance Studio, Sultan Road, Portsmouth, PO2 7AP
8. Innlodge Hotel, Burrfields Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HH
We are delighted to announce that our eighth 24-hour accessible defibrillator has been installed outside the Farmhouse and Innlodge Hotel, Burrfields Rd, Portsmouth PO3 5HH
Funds for this equipment were raised through F4F donations and fundraising activities. In conversation and working closely with Emma Cupit (pictured with Lynn), General Manager, of the Farmhouse and Innlodge, the venue was able to use their in-house electrician for the installation.
Innlodge Hotel, Burrfields Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HH
9. St Cuthbert's Church, 2 Lichfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 6DE
Our ninth 24-hour accessible defibrillator has been installed outside St Cuthbert’s Church, 2 Lichfield Rd, Portsmouth, PO3 6DE.
This has been another successful community project with special notes to Sue Wells for initialling the conversation with us at F4F, Beulah Walters for co-ordinating the funds from St Cuthbert’s parishioners, Alan Phillips for releasing the money, Eric their electrician for installing and Susan Leighton the named Guardian for their emergency equipment.
At F4F have been delighted to aid their conversation, manage and deliver the purchase and assist with their registration on The Circuit.
Our link with St Cuthbert’s continues as we are in discussion to co-ordinate a first aid/ defibrillator awareness session in January 2025.
St Cuthbert's Church, 2 Lichfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 6DE
10. The Jolly Taxpayer, 2 Eastbourne Road, Portsmouth, PO3 6LN
Finishing the month of November with the grand landmark that we have already installed 25% of the proposed 40 defibrillators for Portsmouth.
Our tenth 24-hour accessible defibrillator has been installed outside The Jolly Taxpayer Pub, 2 Eastbourne Rd, Portsmouth PO3 6LN
The Jolly Taxpayer Facebook page
Many thanks to Theresa (TJ) for her immediate enthusiasm to support our campaign plus her family and customers for their contributions towards the equipment and installation to offer this excellent community service to their local area. Huge gratitude also to James Saunders, our local electrician (07817 705999), for his expertise and favourable installation fee!
Our link with The Jolly Taxpayer Pub continues as we plan to deliver a first aid/ defibrillator awareness session at the pub in the New Year.
The Jolly Taxpayer, 2 Eastbourne Road, Portsmouth, PO3 6LN
11. Highbury Community Centre, Hawthorn Crescent, Portsmouth, PO6 2TL
We are delighted to announce that our eleventh 24-hour accessible defibrillator has been installed outside Highbury Community Centre in Hawthorn Crescent, Highbury, Portsmouth PO6 2TL
This latest addition has been a product of a generous contribution from the Wayfarers Masonic Lodge via their Charity Steward Roger Shepherd and Forty-4-Frankie’s fundraising activities. Additional thanks to the ardent efforts of Michelle Pay the Community Centre Administrator whose tenacity made this happen!
Pictured L-R, Roger, Lynn, Graham Heaney (Chair of Trustees) and Michelle.
Highbury Community Centre, Hawthorn Crescent, Highbury, Portsmouth PO6 2TL
12. Cosham Baptist Church 48 Havant Rd, Cosham, Portsmouth PO6 2QZ
Our twelfth 24-hour accessible defibrillator has been installed outside Cosham Baptist Church along Havant Road in Cosham.
The church already had an inhouse defibrillator and were receptive to working with us at F4F to install their emergency equipment outside their popular community facility.
Following a successful Community Infrastructure Levy application and with the approval of The Cosham Ward Councillors and Portsmouth City Council, we have been able to purchase and install this vital lifesaving equipment for the community.
Pictured L to R are the smiley faces of Sam Carver, Office Manager, Rev. Simon Ford, Pastor, and Lynn Timms, F4F.
Cosham Baptist Church 48 Havant Rd, Cosham, Portsmouth PO6 2QZ
13. Nazarene Church, 38 Salisbury Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2PN
Our 13th 24/7 accessible AED has now been installed at the Nazarene Church in Salisbury Road in Cosham. In conjunction with local councillors Mary Vallely and Asghar Shah, Forty 4 frankie was able to secure funding via the Cosham Community Infrastructure Levy fund. Forty-4-Frankie are thrilled to install a cabinet and defibrillator for the local community.
Pictured, celebrating this event are L to R:-
Image 1 Flávio Taela, Pastor, Councillor Mary Vallely and Lynn Timms, F4F.
Image 2 Lynn, Councillor Asghar Shah and Flávio Taela.
Nazarene Church, 38 Salisbury Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2PN